1 brother name: migi, age: 7. 2 sisters names: ate aisa & yena. ages: 15 & 3. code name: nuju ice hammer A.K.A. Radon the axe.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

still no sun.

got to go outside today & there was no sun! it was cold & windy, too bad.


My friends used to like bionicle but now they like lord of the rings so i told my sister if she would like lotr & bionicle i would too.

Last class party

We were having a party at class today & everybody brought a topping, mrs kilbourn brought the ice cream & we played hangman while we waited for everyone.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Earlier my brother migi told me to write paco is no one, he said i would get comments, funny isn't he.

it's foggy.

It's foggy too now, i hate these days when it's all foggy & dark,rainy too, i feel sleepy & bored.


Good morning! i woke up a few hours ago & it looked like it was going to rain, when i woke up later i found i was right, to bad i can't go outside oh well it's good for the plants.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Hi again!

I love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! staying up my record is 5:00am.


Hello,yesterday my friends, my brother & I were playing an animal game all of us got to be judge except me I didn't mind it was awesome it was like this,
two of us face each other about ten feet apart, the judge in the middle, we announce our animal, he says go, & then pa da dam pum pum, we charge!
it was fun, I was scorpion, a tiger & a cheetah, the rest of the time I was a bald eagle.