1 brother name: migi, age: 7. 2 sisters names: ate aisa & yena. ages: 15 & 3. code name: nuju ice hammer A.K.A. Radon the axe.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

five children & it

" five children & it"..... is a fun book i like all of e.nesbits books fc&i is only one i also like "the book of dragons" also by e.nesbit. i think one of my favorite parts in fc&i is when robert accidently wishes that the others could wish without seeing the sammyadd & cyril ( peculiar name for him ) wished their house was a beiseged castle & it happening & it dissapeared at sunset.....right when they had poured a jug of water over the battlements & then, gone & the water fell on marthas head.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


we went to the tournament on 05/21/05 i had a great time i did forms, breaking, weapons, sparring & jump front & side kick contests.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

mama & papa are here!

today, my brother, sister dad & i went to awma & then to the airport

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Clay Marble by Minfong Ho: A Narration

They're fighting the Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge.

There's a girl who was in Cambodia. Her name was Dara. And her father was killed so they moved to Nong Chan. And then she makes friends with a girl named Jantu. Nong Chan gets bombed so they have to run and Jantu's baby brother gets hurt so they have to take him to the hospital. Jantu told Dara to tell her mother (Dara's) but Dara doesn't know where her mom might be, so Jantu told her to go look at the old campsite, but she wasn't there. A kid named Chnay told her where they might have went and he went with her. She gets to the old campsite and they find that they're there. Sarun, her brother, was recruited for the army and so they did drills. Jantu's cousin, Nea, was there and she said that they were going to get married soon. They were getting ready to leave to go back to their old home, but Sarun wanted to stay to be in the army. So Nea and Dara got ready in secret without telling Sarun. Nea's grandpa Kem and Dara's mother helped them, so they got all ready but Sarun had to do one more thing so that he could leave: a drill. They decided to go and get Jantu and her brother. They went and as they were coming back, Jantu was shot. They get her back to the camp and Sarun goes off to do the drill and while he's gone, Jantu died. When they're going to leave, Sarun wants to become a regular in the army. He wanted to stay in the army because he wanted to be doing something for his country. But they decided to go and leave anyway. They left and Sarun chooses to go with them. They go back to their home . The End.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


we have visitors today which is good, the good stuff is that my friends, aaron & adam will be here soon.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


soon i'll have another blog(& a post) today or tomorrow

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Lightsaber battle

Got to play outside today, jerry.c brought his friend, jason, they had their lightsabers
& we had ours, so we had a battle, oh yeah, before that we chose
somebody from star-wars, i was yoda
my brother & jerry were
obi-wan, & jason
was mace

Sunday, May 01, 2005


yesterday three things happened first I had first communion, then I went to a party & when I got back my uncle was here, the theme for the party was pirates, we had a lot of fun chasing each other, we had a grand old battle.