1 brother name: migi, age: 7. 2 sisters names: ate aisa & yena. ages: 15 & 3. code name: nuju ice hammer A.K.A. Radon the axe.

Monday, June 20, 2005

baseball game!

went to the baseball game and met up with master eric & everybody else. we got to go out on the field and play musical chairs with me, charlie, kiana, & migi. charlie won 1st, i won 2nd,migi won 3rd, & kiana won fourth. the guy anounced that we were from tang soo karate usa (which we are)

paco recorder of this blog 136

Thursday, June 16, 2005


for me math is a lot of fun i have a lot of fun doing adding and every thing else in math

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Two Brothers (A Cambodian Folk Tale)

Once upon a time there were two brothers & they lived in a monastery & they wanted to leave so they they asked the abbot what would happen & he prophesied that the older one would become the richest man in china & he gave advice to the younger one so they went into the world & one went & became rich while the other went & became poor & they both married so the poor brother went to the other & asked for things and the rich brother gave him pants & cloth & at night on the way back he saw a sea ogre and grabbed its beard & it gave him a pot that cooks by itself, a stick that beats by itself and a rope that ties by itself. So as soon as he got home, it was night and his wife had a boyfriend with her and he told her to open the door but she said "my husband is not home so go away". And while she said that her friend got out the back window. And also her husband buried the three magical gifts under the ladder that led to their house. And while they were in bed, her husband told her about the three magical gifts and where he had put them. Her boyfriend heard what he had said and went and dug them up. The next day, he tried to find them and found that they were gone. So he knew that somebody must have dug it up. He got his ladder and dragged it around and told the judge to hear his case. The judge told him to go somewhere else so he dragged it in front of the king. The king asked Sem to tell him what had happened. so the poor young man told the king. The king ordered a play and told Sem not to go to it. Then the king gave him 2 sarongs of gold silk & Sem gave the sarongs to his wife Bopha. They found out that the king's heralds were saying that a play was coming. Bopha said let's go to the play but Sem said that she could go and he would stay at home. She decided to let her boyfriend use the other sarong and the king had ordered his guards to arrest a couple with gold silk sarongs. Bopha and her boyfriend were arrested and they called Sem. The king asked him if his wife was there and he said yes and so the King the boyfriend if he had taken Sem's things and he said yes. The king sent him to get the things and he got them. He ordered the stick to beat the boyfriend and the rope to bind up Bopha. That happened for like a minute or so and then the queen said that they had been punished enough. She ordered the pot to make some food. And they stopped. The king ordered the rope and the stick to stop beating and binding them. Sem gave them his magical things and he married their daughter and became the king when the old king died. The End