1 brother name: migi, age: 7. 2 sisters names: ate aisa & yena. ages: 15 & 3. code name: nuju ice hammer A.K.A. Radon the axe.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

the bellmaker

five will ride the roaringburn but only four will e'er return!.
mariel & dandin of redwall return! in the bellmaker. ( for more information go to redwall.org)when urgan nagru, the fox wolf ( he's really just a fox but he calls himself a fox wolf because he killed a wolf, skinned it, & wears its skin & skull ) captures gael the squirrelking, his wife, queen serena, & their baby, truffen, along with muta, truffen's nurse, &, worst of all, castle floret. the otter, rab streambattle & his band of otters must try to save them, but then something goes wrong, king gael gets left behind & nagru sends out his dirgecallers to find the southswarders.....................................but even as this is happening mariel, dandin, & a hedgehog named bowly pintips are getting closer every second, when they meet up with meldrum the magnificent, & later on save queen serena & truffen, but, unfortunately get caught themselves, (oops! i forgot, bowly was with some moles while they were saving queen serena & truffen) but, with the help of glokkpod the butcherbird & king gael they get out............................meanwhile at redwall joseph the bellmaker father of mariel, dreams of martin the warrior, & all that is happening in southsward. in a short time rufe brush, joseph, foremole, durry quill & hon rosie along with log a log & his crew of shrews get them to finnbar galedeep. finnbar, with their help steals the pearl queen(owned by cap'n slipp)& tries to sink the shaloo (owned by cap'n strapp, brother of slipp) but failing, they flee in the pearl queen with the shaloo hard on their heels, but when the two ships reach the green maelstrom, it's a close one.....................but with pearl queen emerging victorious.....& the shaloo in the sea, still spinning.......................................................................................................now back to mariel, having escaped but finding the walltop swarming with vermin. mariel runs back into castle floret where she meets egburt the scholar, muta, & rab and with muta and rab's help takes control of the gatehouse and then egburt goes back to his tunnels. meanwhile, joseph and the others are recruiting an army, find castle floret and meet egburt the scholar meldrum, and iris, rab's mate. together with dandin, joseph is reunited with mariel and they put the vermin into flight right out of castle floret where the final battle of urgan nagru and finnbar galedeep would take place that day ending up with all the vermin deader than doornails. finally rufe, foremole, durry, hon rosie, mariel, & last but not least dandin return home to redwall.(joseph returns later on after he makes a bell for king gael)
extract from the wrightings of brother paco
as the seasons come and go, we all become no younger, i am happy to say that great abbot saxtus, simeon, mariel, dandin, joseph, and the others are still with us, i think abbess vale will be a good abbess, may the seasons be kind to all redwallers and, the gates of redwall are ever open to all our good friends.
brother paco recorder of redwall abbey in mossflower country. paco churchmouse.

Friday, July 22, 2005

books i've read

alexander graham bell
midnight on the moon
play ball amelia bedelia
dmitri the astrounout
wheres waldo
moo cow kaboom

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Alexander graham bell

I read a book on agb today & i found out that he created the first telephone in the world

Saturday, July 09, 2005


marlfox was a really good book and i think that people will like it a lot, one thing i like about it is when dann goes out and tries to find the tapestry and after a long journey he gets it
and comes back to redwall and becomes the champion of redwall.
there are a lot of marlfoxes. mokkan, one of the marlfoxes, is the main bad guy that stole the tapestry. he stole it to give to his mother silth high queen of castle marl. but when mokkan comes back lantur (one of his sisters) is ruling so ( you can expect treachery from any marlfox) he pushes her into the lake just because he wanted to be high king.................eventually dann & the others get the tapestry, kill mokkan, & get back to redwall in double quick time.

thats all folks!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

i'm baack!!!!!!!

we might be going to germany so we've got to learn german i hope it's going to be fun.