1 brother name: migi, age: 7. 2 sisters names: ate aisa & yena. ages: 15 & 3. code name: nuju ice hammer A.K.A. Radon the axe.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

yeah baby! i like it like that!

yeaaaaah! the music is still ringing in my ears. first of all we went to the wedding. uncle topey and tita mina got married i was the coin bearer, i kept thinking that they would kiss. i thought that father lykam would say "you may now kiss the bride" but he never did. after the wedding we went to the reception i ... had sooo much fun i danced for a bit then me and migi and david and e.j. formed i.l.b.(Ice Lightning Blazers) the others made me commander the girls became the s.h.b.b.b.b we had races, had our pictures taken, played hide n' seek it was soooooooooooooooooo fuuuuuuuuun. i had 3-4 glasses of coke. holiday inn, saint louis, MO.