1 brother name: migi, age: 7. 2 sisters names: ate aisa & yena. ages: 15 & 3. code name: nuju ice hammer A.K.A. Radon the axe.

Monday, June 26, 2006

narnia tests

Which Chronicles of Narnia character are you?
You are...Peter. Strong, intelligent, and ready for adventure, you are secure enough to admit when you need help or advice. You lead by example, not command.
Take this quiz!

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Redwall tests

www.angelfire.com/va/randomlyweird good guys
I was Dandin
www.angelfire.com/va/randomlyweird bad guys
I was Ferahgo the assassin

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Star Wars Game Of Life

1st Place: Paco
Skills: 16 Fighting, 15 Energy, 10 Intuition, 5 Logic, total - 46
Jedi Master: Plo Koon.
Lightsaber: Personalized.

2nd Place: Migi
Skills: 15 Fighting, 15 Energy, 10 Intuition, 1 Logic, total - 41
Jedi Master: Even Peill.
Lightsaber: Balanced.

3rd Place: Yena
Skills: 1 Fighting, 2 Energy, 15 Intuition, 2 Logic, total - 20
Jedi Master: Yaddle.
Lightsaber: Ancient.