1 brother name: migi, age: 7. 2 sisters names: ate aisa & yena. ages: 15 & 3. code name: nuju ice hammer A.K.A. Radon the axe.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Battle Of The Ten Armies

Preparation For The Battle, Part One
The Narnian army:
"I wonder how we are going to beat the White Witch," thinks Peter. "Our army is too small; we need reinforcements." Suddenly a knight in blue and gold armor with a crown came charging up, flanked by two knights: one in green armor, the other in red. The one with the crown said "Hello, I am King Jayko, I hear you need reinforcements. These two are Kentis and Adric. The rest of my knights are over there, also some Redwallers." "Thank you very much," said Peter.

The Witch's army:
"Otmin, go and bring these Vladek and Gulo here," said the White Witch "I want to talk to them." After Otmin left, the Witch was left to think about her plan. "Aslan's army is small; a headlong charge should break them!" When Vladek and Gulo entered the tent, the Witch had her plan ready. Vladek spoke first, "I will fight for you if you help me pay my rogue knights their gold, but Jayko is mine!" "And i must eat the dead ones' hearts, they will give me strength," said Gulo. "Very well," said the White Witch, "but first show me your armies."

The Narnian army:
As Peter, Jayko, Rakkety Tam, and Brig Crumshaw were making their plans, two figures -- one black and one white -- suddenly came down for a landing. The white one towered over them. The black one was about as tall as every one else and carried a drill and some kind of launcher which was loaded with glowing red balls. Then, a teenaged boy hopped out of the white one and said "Hi, I'm Hikaru, this is my Stealth Hunter, and that's Nuparu. Our friends are over there." As Peter, Jayko, Rakkety Tam, and Brig Crumshaw looked up to where he was pointing, they saw three laser blasts and ice, water, fire, and stone collide then were surrounded immediately by a mini cyclone. Then eight more figures (one the size of Stealth Hunter) jumped down to join them: five of them looked somewhat like Nuparu except they were differently colored. The red one that looked like Nuparu introduced himself, "Hi I'm Jaller, these are, Matoro, Hahli, Kongu and Hewkii." Then a teenaged boy leaped out of the one that was as big as Stealth Hunter and said, "Hikaru have you spotted the robots yet?" as Hikaru was about to answer Adric butted in "I spotted some robots, they were behind us, I saw a lot of them. They were headed toward the other camp, but what's your name?" "My name is Takeshi, and these are Ha-ya-to and Ryo, and those are Supernova, The Gate Defender and Uplink."

to be continued


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